1 Then said the high priest, Are these things so?
[Are these things so?] An unwitting truth was embedded within the lies spoken against Stephen. Is Jesus going to change the customs which Moses delivered to us? The significance of Messiah's death and resurrection was beginning to dawn upon the religious leadership. Moses gave them the sacrificial system with its priests and ceremony which pointed forward to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. John 1:29, Hebrews 10:1-13,. Galatians 3:21-27. After Christ's sacrifice of himself there was no longer a need for continuing the ritual sacrifices. An entire bureaucracy of the nation had outlived its purpose. There would be plenty of room for faithful teachers and proclaimers but few were willing to embrace the transition. Satan suggested what seemed to be an easier path -- reject Jesus Christ and maintain the status quo.
In verse 45 the name translated Jesus refers to Joshua. The Hebrew name Joshua and the Greek name Jesus are approximately the same, having a meaning of Jehovah is salvation, so in a Greek version of the Bible (example; the Septuagent) both names are often spelled the same. When Hebrew and Greek are translated into an English version of the Bible it is customary to translate Old Testament references as Joshua and New Testament references as Jesus. The formula works everywhere except this verse. Context makes it clear that Stephen was referring to Joshua.
Verse 45 is discussing the fact that the tabernacle which had been with the children of Israel in the wilderness was brought into the promised land during Joshua's conquest and continued to be a center of worship even during the reign of David..
This page updated 02/17/2008
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