



























GENESIS 17:5 thy name shall be ABRAHAM; for a father of
GENESIS 17:9 And God said unto ABRAHAM, Thou shalt keep my
GENESIS 17:15 And God said unto ABRAHAM, As for Sarai thy
GENESIS 17:17 Then ABRAHAM fell upon his face, and laughed, and
GENESIS 17:18 And ABRAHAM said unto God, O that Ishmael might
GENESIS 17:22 talking with him, and God went up from ABRAHAM.
GENESIS 17:23 And ABRAHAM took Ishmael his son, and all that
GENESIS 17:23 among the men of ABRAHAM's house; and circumcised the
GENESIS 17:24 And ABRAHAM was ninety years old and nine, when
GENESIS 17:26 the selfsame day was ABRAHAM circumcised, and Ishmael his
GENESIS 18:6 And ABRAHAM hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and
GENESIS 18:7 And ABRAHAM ran unto the herd, and fetcht a
GENESIS 18:11 Now ABRAHAM and Sarah were old and well stricken
GENESIS 18:13 the LORD said unto ABRAHAM, Wherefore did Sarah laugh,
GENESIS 18:16 looked toward Sodom: and ABRAHAM went with them to
GENESIS 18:17 Shall I hide from ABRAHAM that thing which I
GENESIS 18:18 Seeing that ABRAHAM shall surely become a great and
GENESIS 18:19 LORD may bring upon ABRAHAM that which he hath
GENESIS 18:22 went toward Sodom: but ABRAHAM stood yet before the
GENESIS 18:23 And ABRAHAM drew near, and said, Wilt thou also
GENESIS 18:27 And ABRAHAM answered and said, Behold now, I have
GENESIS 18:33 had left communing with ABRAHAM: and ABRAHAM returned unto
GENESIS 18:33 communing with ABRAHAM: and ABRAHAM returned unto his place.
GENESIS 19:27 And ABRAHAM gat up early in the morning to
GENESIS 19:29 plain, that God remembered ABRAHAM, and sent Lot out
GENESIS 20:1 And ABRAHAM journeyed from thence toward the south country,
GENESIS 20:2 And ABRAHAM said of Sarah his wife, She is
GENESIS 20:9 Then Abimelech called ABRAHAM, and said unto him, What
GENESIS 20:10 And Abimelech said unto ABRAHAM, What sawest thou, that
GENESIS 20:11 And ABRAHAM said, Because I thought, Surely the fear
GENESIS 20:14 and gave them unto ABRAHAM, and restored him Sarah
GENESIS 20:17 So ABRAHAM prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech,
GENESIS 20:18 the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah ABRAHAM's wife.
GENESIS 21:2 Sarah conceived, and bare ABRAHAM a son in his
GENESIS 21:3 And ABRAHAM called the name of his son that
GENESIS 21:4 And ABRAHAM circumcised his son Isaac being eight days
GENESIS 21:5 And ABRAHAM was an hundred years old, when his
GENESIS 21:7 would have said unto ABRAHAM, that Sarah should have
GENESIS 21:8 and was weaned: and ABRAHAM made a great feast
GENESIS 21:9 the Egyptian, which she had born unto ABRAHAM, mocking.
GENESIS 21:10 Wherefore she said unto ABRAHAM, Cast out this bondwoman
GENESIS 21:11 was very grievous in ABRAHAM's sight because of his
GENESIS 21:12 And God said unto ABRAHAM, Let it not be
GENESIS 21:14 And ABRAHAM rose up early in the morning, and
GENESIS 21:22 his host spake unto ABRAHAM, saying, God is with
GENESIS 21:24 And ABRAHAM said, I will swear.
GENESIS 21:25 And ABRAHAM reproved Abimelech because of a well of
GENESIS 21:27 And ABRAHAM took sheep and oxen, and gave them
GENESIS 21:28 And ABRAHAM set seven ewe lambs of the flock
GENESIS 21:29 And Abimelech said unto ABRAHAM, What mean these seven
GENESIS 21:33 And ABRAHAM planted a grove in Beersheba, and called
GENESIS 21:34 And ABRAHAM sojourned in the Philistines' land many days.
GENESIS 22:1 that God did tempt ABRAHAM, and said unto him,
GENESIS 22:1 and said unto him, ABRAHAM: and he said, Behold,
GENESIS 22:3 And ABRAHAM rose up early in the morning, and
GENESIS 22:4 on the third day ABRAHAM lifted up his eyes,
GENESIS 22:5 And ABRAHAM said unto his young men, Abide ye
GENESIS 22:6 And ABRAHAM took the wood of the burnt offering,
GENESIS 22:7 And Isaac spake unto ABRAHAM his father, and said,
GENESIS 22:8 And ABRAHAM said, My son, God will provide himself
GENESIS 22:9 told him of; and ABRAHAM built an altar there,
GENESIS 22:10 And ABRAHAM stretched forth his hand, and took the
GENESIS 22:11 of heaven, and said, ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM: and he said,
GENESIS 22:11 heaven, and said, ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM: and he said, Here
GENESIS 22:13 And ABRAHAM lifted up his eyes, and looked, and
GENESIS 22:13 by his horns: and ABRAHAM went and took the
GENESIS 22:14 And ABRAHAM called the name of that place Jehovahjireh:
GENESIS 22:15 the LORD called unto ABRAHAM out of heaven the
GENESIS 22:19 So ABRAHAM returned unto his young men, and they
GENESIS 22:19 went together to Beersheba; and ABRAHAM dwelt at Beersheba.
GENESIS 22:20 that it was told ABRAHAM, saying, Behold, Milcah, she
GENESIS 22:23 these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, ABRAHAM's brother.
GENESIS 23:2 land of Canaan: and ABRAHAM came to mourn for
GENESIS 23:3 And ABRAHAM stood up from before his dead, and
GENESIS 23:5 the children of Heth answered ABRAHAM, saying unto him,
GENESIS 23:7 And ABRAHAM stood up, and bowed himself to the
GENESIS 23:10 Ephron the Hittite answered ABRAHAM in the audience of
GENESIS 23:12 And ABRAHAM bowed down himself before the people of
GENESIS 23:14 And Ephron answered ABRAHAM, saying unto him,
GENESIS 23:16 And ABRAHAM hearkened unto Ephron; and ABRAHAM weighed to
GENESIS 23:16 hearkened unto Ephron; and ABRAHAM weighed to Ephron the
GENESIS 23:18 Unto ABRAHAM for a possession in the presence of
GENESIS 23:19 And after this, ABRAHAM buried Sarah his wife in
GENESIS 23:20 were made sure unto ABRAHAM for a possession of
GENESIS 24:1 And ABRAHAM was old, and well stricken in age:
GENESIS 24:1 and the LORD had blessed ABRAHAM in all things.
GENESIS 24:2 And ABRAHAM said unto his eldest servant of his
GENESIS 24:6 And ABRAHAM said unto him, Beware thou that thou
GENESIS 24:9 under the thigh of ABRAHAM his master, and sware
GENESIS 24:12 God of my master ABRAHAM, I pray thee, send
GENESIS 24:12 this day, and shew kindness unto my master ABRAHAM.
GENESIS 24:15 the wife of Nahor, ABRAHAM's brother, with her pitcher
GENESIS 24:27 God of my master ABRAHAM, who hath not left
GENESIS 24:34 And he said, I am ABRAHAM's servant.
GENESIS 24:42 God of my master ABRAHAM, if now thou do
GENESIS 24:48 God of my master ABRAHAM, which had led me
GENESIS 24:52 to pass, that, when ABRAHAM's servant heard their words,
GENESIS 24:59 and her nurse, and ABRAHAM's servant, and his men.
GENESIS 25:1 Then again ABRAHAM took a wife, and her name
GENESIS 25:5 And ABRAHAM gave all that he had unto Isaac.
GENESIS 25:6 of the concubines, which ABRAHAM had, ABRAHAM gave gifts,
GENESIS 25:6 concubines, which ABRAHAM had, ABRAHAM gave gifts, and sent
GENESIS 25:7 of the years of ABRAHAM's life which he lived,
GENESIS 25:8 Then ABRAHAM gave up the ghost, and died in
GENESIS 25:10 The field which ABRAHAM purchased of the sons of
GENESIS 25:10 of Heth: there was ABRAHAM buried, and Sarah his
GENESIS 25:11 after the death of ABRAHAM, that God blessed his
GENESIS 25:12 the generations of Ishmael, ABRAHAM's son, whom Hagar the
GENESIS 25:12 whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto ABRAHAM:
GENESIS 25:19 the generations of Isaac, ABRAHAM's son: ABRAHAM begat Isaac:
GENESIS 25:19 the generations of Isaac, ABRAHAM's son: ABRAHAM begat Isaac:
GENESIS 26:1 in the days of ABRAHAM. And Isaac went unto
GENESIS 26:3 the oath which I sware unto ABRAHAM thy father;
GENESIS 26:5 Because that ABRAHAM obeyed my voice, and kept my
GENESIS 26:15 in the days of ABRAHAM his father, the Philistines
GENESIS 26:18 in the days of ABRAHAM his father; for the
GENESIS 26:18 after the death of ABRAHAM: and he called their
GENESIS 26:24 am the God of ABRAHAM thy father: fear not,
GENESIS 26:24 and multiply thy seed for my servant ABRAHAM's sake.
GENESIS 28:4 thee the blessing of ABRAHAM, to thee, and to
GENESIS 28:4 thou art a stranger, which God gave unto ABRAHAM.
GENESIS 28:9 the daughter of Ishmael ABRAHAM's son, the sister of
GENESIS 28:13 the LORD God of ABRAHAM thy father, and the
GENESIS 31:42 father, the God of ABRAHAM, and the fear of
GENESIS 31:53 The God of ABRAHAM, and the God of Nahor,
GENESIS 32:9 God of my father ABRAHAM, and God of my
GENESIS 35:12 land which I gave ABRAHAM and Isaac, to thee
GENESIS 35:27 Arbah, which is Hebron, where ABRAHAM and Isaac sojourned.
GENESIS 48:15 before whom my fathers ABRAHAM and Isaac did walk,
GENESIS 48:16 name of my fathers ABRAHAM and Isaac; and let
GENESIS 49:30 land of Canaan, which ABRAHAM bought with the field
GENESIS 49:31 There they buried ABRAHAM and Sarah his wife; there
GENESIS 50:13 field of Machpelah, which ABRAHAM bought with the field
GENESIS 50:24 which he sware to ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
EXODUS 2:24 remembered his covenant with ABRAHAM, with Isaac, and with
EXODUS 3:6 father, the God of ABRAHAM, the God of Isaac,
EXODUS 3:15 fathers, the God of ABRAHAM, the God of Isaac,
EXODUS 3:16 fathers, the God of ABRAHAM, of Isaac, and of
EXODUS 4:5 fathers, the God of ABRAHAM, the God of Isaac,
EXODUS 6:3 And I appeared unto ABRAHAM, unto Isaac, and unto
EXODUS 6:8 to give it to ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
EXODUS 32:13 Remember ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom
EXODUS 33:1 which I sware unto ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
LEVITICUS 26:42 also my covenant with ABRAHAM will I remember; and
NUMBERS 32:11 which I sware unto ABRAHAM, unto Isaac, and unto
DEUTERONOMY 1:8 sware unto your fathers, ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Jacob, to
DEUTERONOMY 6:10 unto thy fathers, to ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
DEUTERONOMY 9:5 LORD sware unto thy fathers, ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Jacob.
DEUTERONOMY 9:27 Remember thy servants, ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Jacob; look not
DEUTERONOMY 29:13 unto thy fathers, to ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
DEUTERONOMY 30:20 unto thy fathers, to ABRAHAM, to Isaac, and to
DEUTERONOMY 34:4 which I sware unto ABRAHAM, unto Isaac, and unto
JOSHUA 24:2 Terah, the father of ABRAHAM, and the father of
JOSHUA 24:3 I took your father ABRAHAM from the other side
1 KINGS 18:36 said, LORD God of ABRAHAM, Isaac, and of Israel,
2 KINGS 13:23 of his covenant with ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Jacob, and
1 CHRONICLES 1:27 Abram; the same is ABRAHAM.
1 CHRONICLES 1:28 The sons of ABRAHAM; Isaac, and Ishmael.
1 CHRONICLES 1:32 the sons of Keturah, ABRAHAM's concubine: she bare Zimran,
1 CHRONICLES 1:34 And ABRAHAM begat Isaac. The sons of Isaac; Esau
1 CHRONICLES 16:16 which he made with ABRAHAM, and of his oath
1 CHRONICLES 29:18 O LORD God of ABRAHAM, Isaac, and of Israel,
2 CHRONICLES 20:7 to the seed of ABRAHAM thy friend for ever?
2 CHRONICLES 30:6 the LORD God of ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Israel, and
NEHEMIAH 9:7 the Chaldees, and gavest him the name of ABRAHAM;
PSALM 47:9 of the God of ABRAHAM: for the shields of
PSALM 105:6 O ye seed of ABRAHAM his servant, ye children
PSALM 105:9 covenant he made with ABRAHAM, and his oath unto
PSALM 105:42 he remembered his holy promise, and ABRAHAM his servant.
ISAIAH 29:22 the LORD, who redeemed ABRAHAM, concerning the house of
ISAIAH 41:8 I have chosen, the seed of ABRAHAM my friend.
ISAIAH 51:2 Look unto ABRAHAM your father, and unto Sarah that
ISAIAH 59:18 According to their deeds, ACCORDINGLY he will repay, fury
ISAIAH 63:16 art our father, though ABRAHAM be ignorant of us,
JEREMIAH 33:26 over the seed of ABRAHAM, Isaac, and Jacob: for
EZEKIEL 33:24 of Israel speak, saying, ABRAHAM was one, and he
MICAH 7:20 and the mercy to ABRAHAM, which thou hast sworn
MATTHEW 1:1 Christ, the son of David, the son of ABRAHAM.
MATTHEW 1:2 ABRAHAM begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob
MATTHEW 1:17 all the generations from ABRAHAM to David are fourteen
MATTHEW 3:9 within yourselves, We have ABRAHAM to our father: for
MATTHEW 3:9 of these stones to raise up children unto ABRAHAM.
MATTHEW 8:11 shall sit down with ABRAHAM, and Isaac, and Jacob,
MATTHEW 22:32 am the God of ABRAHAM, and the God of
MARK 12:26 am the God of ABRAHAM, and the God of
LUKE 1:55 to our fathers, to ABRAHAM, and to his seed
LUKE 1:73 The oath which he sware to our father ABRAHAM,
LUKE 3:8 within yourselves, We have ABRAHAM to our father: for
LUKE 3:8 of these stones to raise up children unto ABRAHAM.
LUKE 3:34 was the son of ABRAHAM, which was the son
LUKE 13:16 being a daughter of ABRAHAM, whom Satan hath bound,
LUKE 13:28 when ye shall see ABRAHAM, and Isaac, and Jacob,
LUKE 16:22 by the angels into ABRAHAM's bosom: the rich man
LUKE 16:23 in torments, and seeth ABRAHAM afar off, and Lazarus
LUKE 16:24 cried and said, Father ABRAHAM, have mercy on me,
LUKE 16:25 But ABRAHAM said, Son, remember that thou in thy
LUKE 16:29 ABRAHAM saith unto him, They have Moses and the
LUKE 16:30 he said, Nay, father ABRAHAM: but if one went
LUKE 19:9 forsomuch as he also is a son of ABRAHAM.
LUKE 20:37 Lord the God of ABRAHAM, and the God of

Copyright (C) 2001,2004 Robert C. Denig, All rights reserved.