Bible concordance, search, and KJV text
God' is an online Bible concordance, search, and study tool. The concordance is exhaustive—containing all 12,852 words in the King James Bible. God' also has over 100 pages of topical studies and verse by verse expositions of Scripture which are useful for personal devotions or developing short Bible studies.
Online Bible Concordance
All 12,852 words in the KJV Bible, the number of times each occurs, and a simple point and click method for initiating a search.
ConcordanceOnline Bible Search
Search the Bible for certain words or vaguely remembered verses.
Explore topics by specifying multiple related words or phrases. Search results may be downloaded to your computer.
Online Bible Text (KJV)
Daily Bible Reading
The foundation of Bible Study is daily, systematic reading. Our wonderful mind organizes, stores and recalls under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Tue., January 14. Job 38-39
Mon., January 13. Job 35-37
Sun., January 12. Job 32-34
Sat., January 11. Job 29-31
Fri., January 10. Job 24-28
Thu., January 9. Job 21-23
Wed., January 8. Job 17-20
Tue., January 7. Job 14-16
Mon., January 6. Job 10-13
Sun., January 5. Job 6-9