Online Bible Concordance and Search Engine, King James Version

Concordance: contains an absolutely unabridged online concordance of the King James version of the Bible.
Enter a word in the concordance target box, click concordance, and the concordance index is aligned at the specified word. The number beside the word indicates how many times it appears in the KJV Bible. To view the references to that word, click the word and, when it appears in the search box, click search. You may search multiple words at one time (for example, boat,boats) by clicking on each word, one at a time, until the search list is complete, then click search.

Bible Search Engine: One may search for single or multiple words or even phrases by entering the word(s) or phrase(s), separated only by a comma, then clicking search. In the case of phrases, experience suggests that the minimum number of words produces the best results. For example, "This day" is more likely to find the desired quotation than, " Behold, this day have I heard thee", because your recollection may not be accurate.
To study a subject one may specify multiple words related to the subject and the search will locate every occurrence of those words in the Bible and present the results in three selectable formats.

At the top right corner of each page is a clickable selector for the three formats.

  • SCAN: Reference and just a few words to identify the verse.
  • VERSE: The text of the verse at the reference.
  • CHAPTER: The full text of the chapter which contains the reference.
  • Typically one would use the scan format to examine a large number of references, switch to verse to examine an interesting reference, then switch to chapter to see the verse in the context of the chapter in which it appears. No more inaccurate teaching caused by reliance upon imperfect memory.

    If you are looking for a reference within a given book of the Bible, wait until the search results are displayed on the screen, then examine the far left column for a list of books in which the references are found. Click on the book and the display immediately skips to the first reference found in that book.

    When researching a topic using keywords, some of the references found may not relate to the topic at hand. You may download the search results to your personal computer and use a word processor to edit the list. While examining the results of a search click download. Godsview will prepare a file of the verses and present it to your computer. Save the file under a meaningful name.txt

    Try a practice run. Think of an interesting character in the Bible, such as Joseph, and do a search on his name.

    Enter one or more words and/or phrases separated by commas (no spaces except the space between words of a phrase), then click SEARCH.
    If a word or phrase is not present in the text the display directs you to the vocabulary list to assist in refining your search.

    VOCABULARY A list of all 12,852 words in the KJV Bible plus a point and click method of initiating searches for them. Enter a word or part of a word to position the list at or near the target word, then click VOCABULARY.