

































GENESIS 19:2 Nay; but we will ABIDE in the street all
GENESIS 22:5 unto his young men, ABIDE ye here with the
GENESIS 24:55 said, Let the damsel ABIDE with us a few
GENESIS 29:19 should give her to another man: ABIDE with me.
GENESIS 38:26 And Judah ACKNOWLEDGED them, and said, She hath been
GENESIS 44:33 thee, let thy servant ABIDE instead of the lad
EXODUS 16:29 bread of two days; ABIDE ye every man in
LEVITICUS 8:35 Therefore shall ye ABIDE at the door of the
LEVITICUS 19:13 is hired shall not ABIDE with thee all night
LEVITICUS 20:10 the adulterer and the ADULTERESS shall surely be put
NUMBERS 22:5 of the earth, and they ABIDE over against me:
NUMBERS 31:19 And do ye ABIDE without the camp seven days:
NUMBERS 31:23 Every thing that may ABIDE the fire, ye shall
NUMBERS 35:25 fled: and he shall ABIDE in it unto the
DEUTERONOMY 3:19 have much cattle,) shall ABIDE in your cities which
JOSHUA 18:5 seven parts: Judah shall ABIDE in their coast on
JOSHUA 18:5 house of Joseph shall ABIDE in their coasts on
RUTH 2:8 go from hence, but ABIDE here fast by my
1 SAMUEL 1:22 appear before the LORD, and there ABIDE for ever.
1 SAMUEL 5:7 of Israel shall not ABIDE with us: for his
1 SAMUEL 19:2 until the morning, and ABIDE in a secret place,
1 SAMUEL 22:5 Gad said unto David, ABIDE not in the hold;
1 SAMUEL 22:23 ABIDE thou with me, fear not: for he that
1 SAMUEL 30:21 had made also to ABIDE at the brook Besor:
2 SAMUEL 11:11 and Israel, and Judah, ABIDE in tents; and my
2 SAMUEL 15:19 to thy place, and ABIDE with the king: for
2 SAMUEL 16:18 will I be, and with him will I ABIDE.
2 SAMUEL 23:34 Eliphelet the son of AHASBAI, the son of the
1 KINGS 8:13 settled place for thee to ABIDE in for ever.
2 CHRONICLES 25:19 thee up to boast: ABIDE now at home; why
2 CHRONICLES 32:10 ye trust, that ye ABIDE in the siege in
JOB 24:13 the ways thereof, nor ABIDE in the paths thereof.
JOB 38:40 in their dens, and ABIDE in the covert to
JOB 39:9 willing to serve thee, or ABIDE by thy crib?
PSALM 15:1 Lord, who shall ABIDE in thy tabernacle? who shall
PSALM 61:4 I will ABIDE in thy tabernacle for ever: I
PSALM 61:7 He shall ABIDE before God for ever: O prepare
PSALM 91:1 the most High shall ABIDE under the shadow of
PSALM 139:3 lying down, and art ACQUAINTED with all my ways.
PROVERBS 7:11 and stubborn; her feet ABIDE not in her house:
PROVERBS 19:23 that hath it shall ABIDE satisfied; he shall not
ECCLESIASTES 8:15 merry: for that shall ABIDE with him of his
ISAIAH 53:3 man of sorrows, and ACQUAINTED with grief: and we
JEREMIAH 10:10 nations shall not be able to ABIDE his indignation.
JEREMIAH 42:10 If ye will still ABIDE in this land, then
JEREMIAH 49:18 LORD, no man shall ABIDE there, neither shall a
JEREMIAH 49:33 there shall no man ABIDE there, nor any son
JEREMIAH 50:40 so shall no man ABIDE there, neither shall any
HOSEA 3:1 her friend, yet an ADULTERESS, according to the love
HOSEA 3:3 unto her, Thou shalt ABIDE for me many days;
HOSEA 3:4 children of Israel shall ABIDE many days without a
HOSEA 11:6 And the sword shall ABIDE on his cities, and
JOEL 2:11 great and very terrible; and who can ABIDE it?
MICAH 5:4 God; and they shall ABIDE: for now shall he
NAHUM 1:6 indignation? and who can ABIDE in the fierceness of
MALACHI 3:2 But who may ABIDE the day of his coming?
MATTHEW 10:11 is worthy; and there ABIDE till ye go thence.
MARK 6:10 into an house, there ABIDE till ye depart from
LUKE 9:4 house ye enter into, there ABIDE, and thence depart.
LUKE 19:5 for to day I must ABIDE at thy house.
LUKE 24:29 they constrained him, saying, ABIDE with us: for it
JOHN 12:46 whosoever believeth on me should not ABIDE in darkness.
JOHN 14:16 Comforter, that he may ABIDE with you for ever;
JOHN 15:4 ABIDE in me, and I in you. As the
JOHN 15:4 of itself, except it ABIDE in the vine; no
JOHN 15:4 no more can ye, except ye ABIDE in me.
JOHN 15:6 If a man ABIDE not in me, he is
JOHN 15:7 If ye ABIDE in me, and my words ABIDE
JOHN 15:7 me, and my words ABIDE in you, ye shall
JOHN 15:10 my commandments, ye shall ABIDE in my love; even
JOHN 15:10 kept my Father's commandments, and ABIDE in his love.
ACTS 15:34 Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to ABIDE there still.
ACTS 16:15 into my house, and ABIDE there. And she constrained
ACTS 20:23 every city, saying that bonds and afflictions ABIDE me.
ACTS 27:31 the soldiers, Except these ABIDE in the ship, ye
ROMANS 7:3 shall be called an ADULTERESS: but if her husband
ROMANS 7:3 that she is no ADULTERESS, though she be married
ROMANS 11:23 they also, if they ABIDE not still in unbelief,
1 CORINTHIANS 3:14 If any man's work ABIDE which he hath built
1 CORINTHIANS 7:8 good for them if they ABIDE even as I.
1 CORINTHIANS 7:20 Let every man ABIDE in the same calling wherein
1 CORINTHIANS 7:24 man, wherein he is called, therein ABIDE with God.
1 CORINTHIANS 7:40 happier if she so ABIDE, after my judgment: and
1 CORINTHIANS 16:6 be that I will ABIDE, yea, and winter with
2 CORINTHIANS 1:14 As also ye have ACKNOWLEDGED us in part, that
PHILIPPIANS 1:24 Nevertheless to ABIDE in the flesh is more needful
PHILIPPIANS 1:25 know that I shall ABIDE and continue with you
1 TIMOTHY 1:3 I besought thee to ABIDE still at Ephesus, when
1 JOHN 2:24 Let that therefore ABIDE in you, which ye have
1 JOHN 2:27 it hath taught you, ye shall ABIDE in him.
1 JOHN 2:28 And now, little children, ABIDE in him; that, when

Copyright (C) 2001,2004 Robert C. Denig, All rights reserved.