












































GENESIS 1:7 the waters which were ABOVE the firmament: and it
GENESIS 1:20 fowl that may fly ABOVE the earth in the
GENESIS 3:14 this, thou art cursed ABOVE all cattle, and ABOVE
GENESIS 3:14 ABOVE all cattle, and ABOVE every beast of the
GENESIS 6:16 shalt thou finish it ABOVE; and the door of
GENESIS 7:17 ark, and it was lift up ABOVE the earth.
GENESIS 27:39 earth, and of the dew of heaven from ABOVE;
GENESIS 28:13 behold, the LORD stood ABOVE it, and said, I
GENESIS 48:22 to thee one portion ABOVE thy brethren, which I
GENESIS 49:25 with blessings of heaven ABOVE, blessings of the deep
GENESIS 49:26 thy father have prevailed ABOVE the blessings of my
EXODUS 6:23 she bare him Nadab, and ABIHU, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
EXODUS 18:11 thing wherein they dealt proudly he was ABOVE them.
EXODUS 19:5 peculiar treasure unto me ABOVE all people: for all
EXODUS 20:4 that is in heaven ABOVE, or that is in
EXODUS 24:1 and Aaron, Nadab, and ABIHU, and seventy of the
EXODUS 24:9 and Aaron, Nadab, and ABIHU, and seventy of the
EXODUS 25:21 put the mercy seat ABOVE upon the ark; and
EXODUS 25:22 commune with thee from ABOVE the mercy seat, from
EXODUS 26:14 dyed red, and a covering ABOVE of badgers' skins.
EXODUS 26:24 shall be coupled together ABOVE the head of it
EXODUS 28:1 even Aaron, Nadab and ABIHU, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's
EXODUS 28:27 the other coupling thereof, ABOVE the curious girdle of
EXODUS 28:28 that it may be ABOVE the curious girdle of
EXODUS 29:13 the caul that is ABOVE the liver, and the
EXODUS 29:22 inwards, and the caul ABOVE the liver, and the
EXODUS 30:14 twenty years old and ABOVE, shall give an offering
EXODUS 36:19 red, and a covering of badgers' skins ABOVE that.
EXODUS 39:20 the other coupling thereof, ABOVE the curious girdle of
EXODUS 39:21 that it might be ABOVE the curious girdle of
EXODUS 40:19 covering of the tent ABOVE upon it; as the
EXODUS 40:20 and put the mercy seat ABOVE upon the ark:
LEVITICUS 3:4 flanks, and the caul ABOVE the liver, with the
LEVITICUS 3:10 flanks, and the caul ABOVE the liver, with the
LEVITICUS 3:15 flanks, and the caul ABOVE the liver, with the
LEVITICUS 4:9 flanks, and the caul ABOVE the liver, with the
LEVITICUS 7:4 the caul that is ABOVE the liver, with the
LEVITICUS 8:16 inwards, and the caul ABOVE the liver, and the
LEVITICUS 8:25 inwards, and the caul ABOVE the liver, and the
LEVITICUS 9:10 kidneys, and the caul ABOVE the liver of the
LEVITICUS 9:19 and the kidneys, and the caul ABOVE the liver:
LEVITICUS 10:1 And Nadab and ABIHU, the sons of Aaron, took
LEVITICUS 11:21 four, which have legs ABOVE their feet, to leap
LEVITICUS 27:7 sixty years old and ABOVE; if it be a
NUMBERS 3:2 Aaron; Nadab the firstborn, and ABIHU, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
NUMBERS 3:4 And Nadab and ABIHU died before the LORD, when
NUMBERS 3:49 that were over and ABOVE them that were redeemed
NUMBERS 4:25 badgers' skins that is ABOVE upon it, and the
NUMBERS 12:3 Moses was very meek, ABOVE all the men which
NUMBERS 16:3 lift ye up yourselves ABOVE the congregation of the
NUMBERS 26:60 Aaron was born Nadab, and ABIHU, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
NUMBERS 26:61 And Nadab and ABIHU died, when they offered strange
DEUTERONOMY 4:39 is God in heaven ABOVE, and upon the earth
DEUTERONOMY 5:8 that is in heaven ABOVE, or that is in
DEUTERONOMY 7:6 special people unto himself, ABOVE all people that are
DEUTERONOMY 7:14 Thou shalt be blessed ABOVE all people: there shall
DEUTERONOMY 10:15 after them, even you ABOVE all people, as it
DEUTERONOMY 14:2 peculiar people unto himself, ABOVE all the nations that
DEUTERONOMY 17:20 be not lifted up ABOVE his brethren, and that
DEUTERONOMY 25:3 exceed, and beat him ABOVE these with many stripes,
DEUTERONOMY 26:19 to make thee high ABOVE all nations which he
DEUTERONOMY 28:1 set thee on high ABOVE all nations of the
DEUTERONOMY 28:13 and thou shalt be ABOVE only, and thou shalt
DEUTERONOMY 28:43 thee shall get up ABOVE thee very high; and
DEUTERONOMY 30:5 do thee good, and multiply thee ABOVE thy fathers.
JOSHUA 2:11 is God in heaven ABOVE, and in earth beneath.
JOSHUA 3:13 that come down from ABOVE; and they shall stand
JOSHUA 3:16 which came down from ABOVE stood and rose up
JUDGES 5:24 Blessed ABOVE women shall Jael the wife of Heber
JUDGES 5:24 blessed shall she be ABOVE women in the tent.
1 SAMUEL 2:29 and honourest thy sons ABOVE me, to make yourselves
2 SAMUEL 22:17 He sent from ABOVE, he took me; he drew
2 SAMUEL 22:49 me up on high ABOVE them that rose up
1 KINGS 7:3 was covered with cedar ABOVE upon the beams, that
1 KINGS 7:11 And ABOVE were costly stones, after the measures of
1 KINGS 7:20 pillars had pomegranates also ABOVE, over against the belly
1 KINGS 7:25 the sea was set ABOVE upon them, and all
1 KINGS 7:29 there was a base ABOVE: and beneath the lions
1 KINGS 7:31 within the chapiter and ABOVE was a cubit: but
1 KINGS 8:7 cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof ABOVE.
1 KINGS 8:23 like thee, in heaven ABOVE, or on earth beneath,
1 KINGS 14:9 But hast done evil ABOVE all that were before
1 KINGS 14:22 which they had committed, ABOVE all that their fathers
1 KINGS 16:30 sight of the LORD ABOVE all that were before
2 KINGS 21:11 and hath done wickedly ABOVE all that the Amorites
2 KINGS 25:28 and set his throne ABOVE the throne of the
1 CHRONICLES 5:2 For Judah prevailed ABOVE his brethren, and of him
1 CHRONICLES 6:3 also of Aaron; Nadab, and ABIHU, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
1 CHRONICLES 16:25 he also is to be feared ABOVE all gods.
1 CHRONICLES 23:27 Levites were numbered from twenty years old and ABOVE:
1 CHRONICLES 24:1 sons of Aaron; Nadab, and ABIHU, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
1 CHRONICLES 24:2 But Nadab and ABIHU died before their father, and
1 CHRONICLES 27:6 among the thirty, and ABOVE the thirty: and in
1 CHRONICLES 29:3 my God, over and ABOVE all that I have
1 CHRONICLES 29:11 LORD, and thou art exalted as head ABOVE all.
2 CHRONICLES 2:5 great: for great is our God ABOVE all gods.
2 CHRONICLES 4:4 the sea was set ABOVE upon them, and all
2 CHRONICLES 5:8 cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof ABOVE.
2 CHRONICLES 11:21 the daughter of Absalom ABOVE all his wives and
2 CHRONICLES 24:20 the priest, which stood ABOVE the people, and said
2 CHRONICLES 25:5 twenty years old and ABOVE, and found them three
2 CHRONICLES 34:4 that were on high ABOVE them, he cut down;
NEHEMIAH 3:28 From ABOVE the horse gate repaired the priests, every
NEHEMIAH 7:2 was a faithful man, and feared God ABOVE many.
NEHEMIAH 8:5 people; (for he was ABOVE all the people;) and
NEHEMIAH 9:5 name, which is exalted ABOVE all blessing and praise.
NEHEMIAH 12:37 up of the wall, ABOVE the house of David,
NEHEMIAH 12:39 And from ABOVE the gate of Ephraim, and ABOVE
NEHEMIAH 12:39 gate of Ephraim, and ABOVE the old gate, and
NEHEMIAH 12:39 the old gate, and ABOVE the fish gate, and
ESTHER 2:17 the king loved Esther ABOVE all the women, and
ESTHER 3:1 and set his seat ABOVE all the princes that
ESTHER 5:11 he had advanced him ABOVE the princes and servants
JOB 3:4 God regard it from ABOVE, neither let the light
JOB 18:16 dried up beneath, and ABOVE shall his branch be
JOB 28:18 pearls: for the price of wisdom is ABOVE rubies.
JOB 31:2 God is there from ABOVE? and what inheritance of
JOB 31:28 I should have denied the God that is ABOVE.
PSALM 8:1 earth! who hast set thy glory ABOVE the heavens.
PSALM 10:5 thy judgments are far ABOVE out of his sight:
PSALM 18:16 He sent from ABOVE, he took me, he drew
PSALM 18:48 thou liftest me up ABOVE those that rise up
PSALM 27:6 head be lifted up ABOVE mine enemies round about
PSALM 45:7 thee with the oil of gladness ABOVE thy fellows.
PSALM 50:4 to the heavens from ABOVE, and to the earth,
PSALM 57:5 thou exalted, O God, ABOVE the heavens; let thy
PSALM 57:5 heavens; let thy glory be ABOVE all the earth.
PSALM 57:11 thou exalted, O God, ABOVE the heavens: let thy
PSALM 57:11 heavens: let thy glory be ABOVE all the earth.
PSALM 78:23 commanded the clouds from ABOVE, and opened the doors
PSALM 95:3 great God, and a great King ABOVE all gods.
PSALM 96:4 praised: he is to be feared ABOVE all gods.
PSALM 97:9 thou, LORD, art high ABOVE all the earth: thou
PSALM 97:9 the earth: thou art exalted far ABOVE all gods.
PSALM 99:2 Zion; and he is high ABOVE all the people.
PSALM 103:11 the heaven is high ABOVE the earth, so great
PSALM 104:6 with a garment: the waters stood ABOVE the mountains.
PSALM 108:4 thy mercy is great ABOVE the heavens: and thy
PSALM 108:5 thou exalted, O God, ABOVE the heavens: and thy
PSALM 108:5 the heavens: and thy glory ABOVE all the earth;
PSALM 113:4 The LORD is high ABOVE all nations, and his
PSALM 113:4 ABOVE all nations, and his glory ABOVE the heavens.
PSALM 119:127 I love thy commandments ABOVE gold; yea, ABOVE fine
PSALM 119:127 love thy commandments ABOVE gold; yea, ABOVE fine gold.
PSALM 135:5 great, and that our Lord is ABOVE all gods.
PSALM 136:6 stretched out the earth ABOVE the waters: for his
PSALM 137:6 if I prefer not Jerusalem ABOVE my chief joy.
PSALM 138:2 thou hast magnified thy word ABOVE all thy name.
PSALM 144:7 Send thine hand from ABOVE; rid me, and deliver
PSALM 148:4 heavens, and ye waters that be ABOVE the heavens.
PSALM 148:13 excellent; his glory is ABOVE the earth and heaven.
PROVERBS 8:28 he established the clouds ABOVE: when he strengthened the
PROVERBS 15:24 way of life is ABOVE to the wise, that
PROVERBS 31:10 virtuous woman? for her price is far ABOVE rubies.
ECCLESIASTES 2:7 great and small cattle ABOVE all that were in
ECCLESIASTES 3:19 man hath no preeminence ABOVE a beast: for all
ISAIAH 2:2 and shall be exalted ABOVE the hills; and all
ISAIAH 6:2 ABOVE it stood the seraphims: each one had six
ISAIAH 7:11 either in the depth, or in the height ABOVE.
ISAIAH 14:13 will exalt my throne ABOVE the stars of God:
ISAIAH 14:14 I will ascend ABOVE the heights of the clouds;
ISAIAH 45:8 down, ye heavens, from ABOVE, and let the skies
JEREMIAH 4:28 mourn, and the heavens ABOVE be black; because I
JEREMIAH 15:8 are increased to me ABOVE the sand of the
JEREMIAH 17:9 The heart is deceitful ABOVE all things, and desperately
JEREMIAH 31:37 the LORD; If heaven ABOVE can be measured, and
JEREMIAH 35:4 the princes, which was ABOVE the chamber of Maaseiah
JEREMIAH 52:32 and set his throne ABOVE the throne of the
LAMENTATIONS 1:13 From ABOVE hath he sent fire into my bones,
EZEKIEL 1:22 the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads ABOVE.
EZEKIEL 1:26 And ABOVE the firmament that was over their heads
EZEKIEL 1:26 as the appearance of a man ABOVE upon it.
EZEKIEL 10:1 the firmament that was ABOVE the head of the
EZEKIEL 10:19 of the God of Israel was over them ABOVE.
EZEKIEL 11:22 of the God of Israel was over them ABOVE.
EZEKIEL 16:43 shalt not commit this lewdness ABOVE all thine abominations.
EZEKIEL 29:15 exalt itself any more ABOVE the nations: for I
EZEKIEL 31:5 his height was exalted ABOVE all the trees of
EZEKIEL 37:8 the skin covered them ABOVE: but there was no
EZEKIEL 41:17 To that ABOVE the door, even unto the inner
EZEKIEL 41:20 From the ground unto ABOVE the door were cherubims
DANIEL 6:3 this Daniel was preferred ABOVE the presidents and princes,
DANIEL 11:5 he shall be strong ABOVE him, and have dominion;
DANIEL 11:36 himself, and magnify himself ABOVE every god, and shall
DANIEL 11:37 any god: for he shall magnify himself ABOVE all.
AMOS 2:9 destroyed his fruit from ABOVE, and his roots from
MICAH 4:1 it shall be exalted ABOVE the hills; and people
NAHUM 3:16 hast multiplied thy merchants ABOVE the stars of heaven:
MATTHEW 10:24 The disciple is not ABOVE his master, nor the
MATTHEW 10:24 ABOVE his master, nor the servant ABOVE his lord.
LUKE 3:20 Added yet this ABOVE all, that he shut up
LUKE 6:40 The disciple is not ABOVE his master: but every
LUKE 13:2 these Galilaeans were sinners ABOVE all the Galilaeans, because
LUKE 13:4 that they were sinners ABOVE all men that dwelt
JOHN 3:31 He that cometh from ABOVE is ABOVE all: he
JOHN 3:31 cometh from ABOVE is ABOVE all: he that is
JOHN 3:31 earth: he that cometh from heaven is ABOVE all.
JOHN 6:13 which remained over and ABOVE unto them that had
JOHN 8:23 beneath; I am from ABOVE: ye are of this
JOHN 19:11 were given thee from ABOVE: therefore he that delivered

Copyright (C) 2001,2004 Robert C. Denig, All rights reserved.