INTRODUCTION: God and science are not nearly as mutually exclusive as some would have us believe. Science is a disciplined search by mankind for truth. The well known Scientific Method follows a simple set of rules. 1. A certain phenomenon is observed. 2. The scientist formulates an hypothesis regarding the cause and effect of the phenomenon. 3. Using the hypothesis the scientist attempts to predict the results of an episode of the phenomenon. 4. Independent, repeatable tests verify the success or failure of the hypothesis. If the tests support the hypothesis it is then advanced to a theory, if not, the scientist returns to step 2 for refinement or replacement of the hypothesis. Since science is a serious search for truth, scientists are careful in applying the scientific method and equally careful to point out flaws in someone else's efforts. We are greatly indebted to science for the comforts we enjoy due to the ever increasing understanding of this world and it's processes.

Regarding the supposed incompatibility of science and belief in God, let us examine that most basic event, the creation of the universe. The "big bang" theory*, widely acknowledged by scientists to be the best explanation, holds that in the beginning there was nothing, absolutely nothing. Then, suddenly, there was a stupendous explosion of energy which in a few billionths of a second coalesced into matter; subatomic particles, then atoms, then plasma and so on until most of the matter of the universe was created and flung out into space.
Of equal importance, during those first few billionths of a second all of the rules by which this world is organized came into being; among them gravity, electromagnetism, the laws of physics and chemistry and mechanics.

The Bible, God's book regarding life and how to live it, treats creation in this way. "In the beginning God created (using the Hebrew word ba-ra, out of nothing) the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void;" (Genesis 1:1-2). Neither view excludes the other. One view holds that there was absolutely nothing and that by chance energy and rules suddenly appeared from somewhere and the world began. The other view holds that God was present, and nothing else. Then God provided the energy and superintended the creation of the universe. Except for the fact that man's explanation is restricted to what our physical senses can touch, see and hear, the two views are similar.

One is reminded of the story about the blind children who attempted to visualize an elephant using only thier sense of touch. Science is to be commended for coming so close to the truth.

THE EXISTENCE OF GOD: The Bible does not spend any time arguing the existence of God. The Bible assumes that God exists and proceeds from there. To believe or not believe in God is is a personal choice, but belief or lack thereof is only a viewpoint and does not alter the fact any more than disbelief in gravity alters the result when a person steps off a tall building. The scientific method observes and draws conclusions. Following are some observations which certainly give weight to the belief that God exists.

All of the above is very logical but also abstract. As we consider the absolute necessity for an overriding intelligence let's take a moment to review something solid and "human-sized". I live in a house. A small, 1950s story and a half wood frame house. With a nod to our friends who earnestly believe that given enough time chance can bring about anything, I would like to examine how chance could have created my house. Basement: possibly an earthquake caused an opening in the ground. Foundation: perhaps water flowing through the ground and filling the hole dissolved minerals which solifdified into concrete and concrete blocks. Upheaval due to freezing and thawing piled the blocks into a wall. Wood frame: Could lightening have splintered trees in the area into two by fours and other sizes of lumber necessary for the frame? Roof: I have not figured out how the nails were driven through the lumber -- perhaps falling coconuts. Plumbing, electricity, telephone, heat. Oh! By the way, did I tell you that the house burned down several times until our friend chance happened to enclose the heating fire in a fireproof container rather than a pile on the living room floor.

"FOUL!" cry our friends. "We are speaking of natural processes, not manmade objects. It is obvious that a house cannot exist without the efforts of a designer, a constructor and also a maintainer, since those things tend to deteriorate so rapidly." Well, to me it is equally obvious that something as gigantic and complex as our universe cannot come into being without a designer, a constructor and a maintainer.

*UC Berkeley: "The big bang theory states that at some time in the distant past there was nothing. A process known as vacuum fluctuation created what astrophysicists call a singularity. From that singularity, which was about the size of a dime, our Universe was born." (

NEXT PAGE: What are some common concepts of God?

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This page updated 01/28/2006

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