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EXODUS 20:17 his maidservant, nor his OX, nor his ass, nor
EXODUS 21:28 If an OX gore a man or a woman,
EXODUS 21:28 they die: then the OX shall be surely stoned,
EXODUS 21:28 but the owner of the OX shall be quit.
EXODUS 21:29 But if the OX were wont to push with
EXODUS 21:29 or a woman; the OX shall be stoned, and
EXODUS 21:32 If the OX shall push a manservant or a
EXODUS 21:32 shekels of silver, and the OX shall be stoned.
EXODUS 21:33 cover it, and an OX or an ass fall
EXODUS 21:35 And if one man's OX hurt another's, that he
EXODUS 21:35 shall sell the live OX, and divide the money
EXODUS 21:35 it; and the dead OX also they shall divide.
EXODUS 21:36 be known that the OX hath used to push
EXODUS 21:36 he shall surely pay OX for OX; and the
EXODUS 21:36 surely pay OX for OX; and the dead shall
EXODUS 22:1 man shall steal an OX, or a sheep, and
EXODUS 22:1 five oxen for an OX, and four sheep for
EXODUS 22:4 alive, whether it be OX, or ass, or sheep;
EXODUS 22:9 whether it be for OX, for ass, for sheep,
EXODUS 22:10 an ass, or an OX, or a sheep, or
EXODUS 23:4 thou meet thine enemy's OX or his ass going
EXODUS 23:12 shalt rest: that thine OX and thine ass may
EXODUS 34:19 among thy cattle, whether OX or sheep, that is
LEVITICUS 7:23 manner of fat, of OX, or of sheep, or
LEVITICUS 17:3 Israel, that killeth an OX, or lamb, or goat,
LEVITICUS 27:26 it; whether it be OX, or sheep: it is
NUMBERS 7:3 for each one an OX: and they brought them
NUMBERS 22:4 about us, as the OX licketh up the grass
DEUTERONOMY 5:14 thy maidservant, nor thine OX, nor thine ass, nor
DEUTERONOMY 5:21 or his maidservant, his OX, or his ass, or
DEUTERONOMY 14:4 ye shall eat: the OX, the sheep, and the
DEUTERONOMY 14:5 the pygarg, and the wild OX, and the chamois.
DEUTERONOMY 18:3 sacrifice, whether it be OX or sheep; and they
DEUTERONOMY 22:1 not see thy brother's OX or his sheep go
DEUTERONOMY 22:4 brother's ass or his OX fall down by the
DEUTERONOMY 22:10 not plow with an OX and an ass together.
DEUTERONOMY 25:4 shalt not muzzle the OX when he treadeth out
DEUTERONOMY 28:31 Thine OX shall be slain before thine eyes, and
JOSHUA 6:21 young and old, and OX, and sheep, and ass,
JUDGES 3:31 hundred men with an OX goad: and he also
JUDGES 6:4 sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor OX, nor ass.
1 SAMUEL 12:3 before his anointed: whose OX have I taken? or
1 SAMUEL 14:34 hither every man his OX, and every man his
1 SAMUEL 14:34 brought every man his OX with him that night,
1 SAMUEL 15:3 woman, infant and suckling, OX and sheep, camel and
NEHEMIAH 5:18 me daily was one OX and six choice sheep;
JOB 6:5 hath grass? or loweth the OX over his fodder?
JOB 24:3 fatherless, they take the widow's OX for a pledge.
JOB 40:15 made with thee; he eateth grass as an OX.
PSALM 69:31 LORD better than an OX or bullock that hath
PSALM 106:20 into the similitude of an OX that eateth grass.
PROVERBS 7:22 her straightway, as an OX goeth to the slaughter,
PROVERBS 14:4 much increase is by the strength of the OX.
PROVERBS 15:17 love is, than a stalled OX and hatred therewith.
ISAIAH 1:3 The OX knoweth his owner, and the ass his
ISAIAH 11:7 and the lion shall eat straw like the OX.
ISAIAH 32:20 thither the feet of the OX and the ass.
ISAIAH 66:3 He that killeth an OX is as if he
JEREMIAH 11:19 a lamb or an OX that is brought to
EZEKIEL 1:10 the face of an OX on the left side;
LUKE 13:15 the sabbath loose his OX or his ass from
LUKE 14:5 an ass or an OX fallen into a pit,
1 CORINTHIANS 9:9 the mouth of the OX that treadeth out the
1 TIMOTHY 5:18 shalt not muzzle the OX that treadeth out the

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